Tamuz Kibbutz Courtyard, Bar and Bat Mitzvah Project
Tamuz Urban Kibbutz
September 2024
"The four children of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah year in Tamuz created the wings: Ma'ayan Raviv, Ra' Orstiev, Rotem Israeli Levi, and Yoav Perlstein. After I received a video describing the Wings of Hope project (via WhatsApp), I shared it with the other parents of the four Tamuz Bar and Bat Mitzvah children, and we decided to take on the project and hang the wings in the Tamuz courtyard. The children and I (the mother of Ma'ayan Raviv) collected toys from community members, and Shani Orstiev, an art therapist and the mother of Ra' Orstiev, assisted the children in creating the wings. We hung the assembled wings in the kibbutz the day before the closing event of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah year."